What you can do to help Educate Youth!

Educate Youth’s Values



Educate Youth is grateful to

for their generosity and their commitment to strong academics.
Widgeon Dispute Resolution is Educate Youth’s 2021 Premier Sponsor:

  1. Make a cash contribution via PayPal or Contact Us to give a different way. As the saying goes, any amount will help to support Educate Youth. You can designate how you want the funds to be used, or you may make a no-strings-attached donation. The no-strings-attached option will allow the executive director to spend the money in the best interest of the organization.
  2. Create a fundraiser in our behalf, like a silent auction, food tasting, dinner, or concert; a community-based activity would be great for raising funds and good times.
  3. Volunteer!
  4. Sponsor a youth!
  5. Bonus! We are now on AmazonSmile, which is a feature on Amazon.com that gives 0.5% (one half of one percent) of every purchase to a nonprofit of your choice. Here’s how to support us!
    1. Go to smile.amazon.com
    2. In the search box that says “Charity name or location,” enter “Educate Youth Ypsilanti”
    3. Choose “Educate Youth”
    4. Be sure to shop at smile.amazon.com every time you shop so you can support Educate Youth!

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